The madness of March has come and gone, and the end of the semester is fast approaching.  When we got back from traveling, we had no days off and it was back to our full practice schedule.  We have officially transitioned into competition season to compete for our own national championship title.  

Monday began bright and early with 6am practice. We were given a rude awakening when you realized there were only six more practices before our team headed off to Florida.  Practice was not easy by any means.  We ran multiple full outs with limited recovery time, trying to get our bodies used to the stamina that would be required of us to compete at such a high level of intensity.  We prepared with stretching and got our minds in the zone.  Because it was so early, we made sure to ease into the intense practice so that we would not pull muscles and cause injuries.  It was a struggle to get through, but pushing through now would only help set us up for success later in the week.

Tuesday was an off day, and it was time to celebrate DIA! Diadeloso is one of my favorite Baylor traditions, considering that we get an entire day off of school!  It is so much fun to put worries aside and unwind with your best friends celebrating the day of the bear!  I went to bed early, and set my alarm for another morning practice for the next day.

Wednesday morning was a breakthrough for our team.  Up until this point we have been struggling to connect with our routine and we all came together to push our limits.  Practices can be some of the worst days, but they only make for amazing memories.  Looking back, we will always want to give up in the moment, but pushing through and not backing down is what makes you stronger.  Our team has been separated during March Madness, so having the first practice back where we were finally together made all of the difference!

Thursday was team workouts and a day to build up stamina once again.  This was another off day for practice to allow our bodies the opportunity to fully recover.  I spent the day catching up on homework and reflecting on what the next three practices would look like.  We spent our entire year supporting other teams on the sidelines, and it was finally our time to shine and be the main characters repping BU.  

Friday morning practice was yet again extremely rough mentally.  Fighting through mental blocks as a dancer can be one of the most heartbreaking things.  Having amazing teammates, however, is a very special thing.  They recognized my struggles and built me up.

Saturday was a day for packing and preparing for our travel day next week!  We went into the locker room in the morning to make sure we had all our uniforms packed.  I spent the rest of the day attending acro & tumbling and men’s tennis.  I love being able to sit in the stands and enjoy the events from a fan's perspective.  I love supporting Baylor Athletics and I am looking forward to our big competition week ahead!


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